I think it’s fair to say that we all have our preferred social media platform – Twitter is not one of mine. I find it, well, tweetie, twittery…a little bit twatty. It seems to epitomise the worst of social media in many ways – opinion lead shout-outs fuelled by ego and sometimes it can be downright nasty – a bit like driving in Sydney in the rush-hour.
When it comes to promoting your business, however, that’s a different thing. Twitter can be great for important news pieces, events and stories to generate wide-scale awareness and garner a response.
Here are my 5 top tips to get the best out of Twitter for any small business owner or start-up
1. Follow the yellow brick road…take your time to see who’s who in the zoo – or in this case, the avery. Follow those whose subject matter links to your business interests and industry. This way, you are easily able to ‘play within your field’ and stay on-brand.
2. Re-tweet – you don’t need to be constantly coming up with a never-ending stream of tweets. Just re-tweet, like and follow those you like and that fit with your line of business. This will allow you to have a platform presence and stay current. It will also help you connect with and build your own followers organically as you go.
3. Content plan – as with any social media activity, it pays to have a content plan in place. If you can’t afford to outsource your social media management, then carve out some time to make a content plan. Start by listing the subject matters that align to your brand and business. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised how many ideas you can come up with once you get started. Think about special days, seasonal activities, product launches, events and also industry initiatives that form part of your plan. This will keep you on track and enable you to have a consistent message across multiple platforms.
4. Double up – if you post an article on LinkedIn then share it to Twitter. It may need a little edit but will save so much time and will enable you to reach your target audience wherever they are.
5. Creative content – don’t be afraid to be creative with your content. Use links, images, GIFs and video to grab attention. Measure and view the responses you receive so you can see what is/isn’t working well for you and so you can adapt your messaging over time.
6. Lighten up – finally don’t take it too seriously! If you’re starting out with a new business or brand, it’s OK to find your way and see which social media platform works best for you – you’ve got to be in it to win it!